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I play mostly:Painted Yatzy - played 12659 times
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3 days ago
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Loser against the computer
Loser against the computer
Loser against the computer
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Winner against the computer
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Tournaments won Players Opponent
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Super Ludo
Painted Yatzy

Game Won / Lost Best score
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Painted Yatzy6651 / 5717605
Super Ludo1831 / 18880
Ludo1585 / 19320

Profile for SexyRedHeadNLace

My Baby Girl is going to be 8yrs old in a few weeks still wonders where the time has went :))
angel is my centerfold
oh angel you look like bride !
your sexy and u know it !!
mom just wanted to say hi n i luv u blake
hows sexy red?
happy new yr granny
sexy redddddddddddddddddd hv a good holiday grammaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Hiya Sexy ;)
Happy birthday to u young woman ;)
Hope ur day gonna be great, sweety.
Lots of hugs from me.....
you are very sweet and polite.
get a new pic of you on. and change that smokey mountain vacay thing. its 3 yrs old girllllllllllllllllll xo
well i see u still cant whisper right gv it up red neck girl !!!!
hiya angel thought i better bring ur robe back sorry it shrunk but had a problem in washing machine lol , thanx 4 being a friend luv barry .....oh and u were a great partner even though i had to carry u lol
aint that gb cute. rock on granny. nice snow pic. hope u hv fun canoeing down there xo oz
now why u back on here so fast. every thing ok xo oz out
sorry about your step dad sexy red. but he did get see the great grand baby. nice pictures you have there of canada and that snow too. xo luv ya oz out
tg she looks like daddy n not u
looks like u collect babies if u ask me ;-) . and ur not really a granny , maybe ur the guy in the hat so i wont say luv ya x just incase lol ..1uk
happy new yr granny red xo oz
congrads granny red. 1 beautifull baby !!!! at your age its about time you became grand parent. rock on and get spoiling luv always xo oz
rock on red granny xo oz
i had fun playing with u hope we can play again someday
good luck red on being a granny. you will luv it its alot fun being grand parent. plus when they bad u send em home with mom n dad u dont hv keep em lol. good luck with the pups too. good practise 4 granny hood xo best always ozzy xo u can look at my grand daughters pics once in awhile ttoo u know wink wink
good luck on your moving and new house. maybe youll get closer to a good football team now but i know youll miss graceland xo oz
keep smiling red i know few tough days for ya. but your a true butt whooper xo oz
wow shania twain off in the smokey mountains. did u meet smokey the bear there xo oz
hmmmmm the studious look you look like a lawyer haha rock on red luv ya oz xo
happy new year red. have a great 2009.maybe titans get to superbowl for u. xo ozzy
ah sexy red shes cute. keep those cow boys away from her lol. now get your pic up there with her. luv as always oz xo
awwwwwwwww sexy red its x mass time for your colorrrrrrrrr woo hoo rock on tenneese tuxedo babe xo ur partner in yahtzee crime ozzy xo
Hi SexyRed,

I wish you and your family a merry Christmas.
Have fun and TC.
XXX Marco.
26 tournies n climbing. titans 8-0 wow things are looking good in tenmesee !!!!! b safe luv ya red oz out
19 wins and counting rock on red. oh nice to see your titans only undefeated team left xo oz
us red heads better stick together, but I wish I had your daughter doing my make-up...wtg!
11 tournys won wtgggggggggg keep up the good work mrs perry mason
to sexy red my great friend congrads on your new profile and gl in your games and tourneys be safe and be happy luv ya xo ozzy